Monday, February 23, 2009

Introduction Law College University of Peshawar

The Law college, University of Peshawar is one of the first institutions that started functioning with the foundation of the University of Peshawar in 1950. It was originally envisaged as a separate Faculty of the University and was later on elevated to the prestigious position of an independent Faculty in 1992. With the reorganization of various Faculties of the University, it is now constituent of the newly established Faculty of Social Science. The college is offering both graduate and postgraduate programmes in law. Legal education is generally provided through public sector universities, but confitionallly through if they and also be private institutions that follow the curriculum and standards prescribed by the higher education commission (HEC) in consultation with the Pakistan Bar Council (PBC), a statutory body to regulate legal profession and legal education in Pakistan.

The LL.B degree courses are adopted after a strenuous exercise; the courses are proposed through a National Curriculum Review Committee (NCRC) of the HEC in Law. The recommendations of the NCRC are then carefully examined by a joint meeting of the representatives of the universities and the members of the PBC (Legal Education Committee). Various academic boards and bodies of the University then review the finally approved courses before they are ultimately adopted. A consistent effort is made to improve the standards of legal education and the curriculum is reviewed after every three years.

The course of Bachelor of Laws extends over three academic years covering LL.B Part-I, LL.B Part-II and LL.B Part-III. The LL.M degree programme is of two academic years. The LL.M programme is a combination of taught and research based course where the students are required to work independently and exceptionally hard under the supervision of their supervisors. The Ph.D studies in law will commence as soon as the Academic Council of the university approves the courses. The college is also offereing certificate and Diploma course in Human Rights Law through the Human Rights Studies Centre. The Human Rights Studies Centre was established in March 2000 under the Government of Pakistan Human Rights and Mass Awareness of Education Programme and is jointly supported by the NORAD and the Swiss Development Cooperation. The courses for postgraduate degree in Human Rights have been approved by the Academic Council and hopefully would be offered as an independent degree from the next academic year.

The college has an academic linkage with the university college, Cork, Ireland and the Law School of the University of Ulster, N-Ireland in the area of Human Rights Law. The British Council under the Higher Education Link Programme supports the link. The College has also signed an MOU with the IUCN Pakistan under which it will have institutional cooperation in the area of Environment Law. Besides, the college is jointly working with the IRC-Pakistan for the promotion of International Humanitarian Law. Every year some of Law College Students are selected both at the National and International level for training and competition programmes of the ICRC. Since last year the semester system has been discontainued due to large number of student and limited resources. From this year the self-finance scheme has been discontnued and students are admitted on normal charges. The total intake of student to LL.B Part-I is 200 out of which first 100 students are admitted in the morning classes on merit and the remaining are enrolled for the second shift programme (subject to notification). All fresh admissions and examinations will be governed by regulations as laid down in the college prospectus and the University regulations.

The Human Rights Studies Centre is also part of the college and was established in March 2000 under the Government of Pakistan Human Rights and Mass Awareness and Education Programme, jointly funded by the NORAD and the Swiss Development Corporation. Its main objective is to develop curriculum for Human Rights as a subject at the Master's level and to co-ordinate the activities/research regarding Human Rights at the National and Provincial level. It also aims at acting as a base for institutional co-operation between Human Rights Agencies at National and International level.

Our vision is to turn this institution into a world class institution of higher learning in Law and Human Rights within the next 10 years, which would become a hub of research activities in the field of law and human rights and would provide feedback to the policy making institution on national at national and international level.

To help the administration of justice particularly in the N-W.F.P and the whole country by producing professional lawyers, judges, advisors, solicitors and attorneys, equipped with civic virtues and the sense of duty towards the pople and respect for the fundamental rights of other fellow human beings.

To offer courses of LL.B, LLM and Ph.D. in the field of law.
To prepare researchers in the field of Law.
To produce professional lawyers and judges.
To provide necessary tools for researchers in the NGOs sector within the field of law and human rights.

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